Category Archives: Walking

Sentier du Littoral – Walking the Blue Coast

In May the Cote D’Azur’s Sentier du Littoral is coastal path paradise and a beachcomber’s delight. There are very few other filthy tourists and the rocky coves are piled high with driftwood. Continue reading


Moby Dick, my Gideons bible, lives in the bedside drawer. Ahab’s Pequod is always ready to sail and carry me away on nights when sleep does not come easy.

The last time I was in Heidelberg I pinched some wi-fi from a coffee shop. If the founders of the coffee shop chain had stayed with their first idea they would have called it Pequod but in the end they decided to name it after the first mate aboard the whaler, Starbuck. Continue reading

My Hebridean Way

In May/June 2014 I walked the west coast of the Outer Hebrides from Vatersay to the Butt of Lewis. This is a brief account of my treasure hunt.

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Not the TGO Challenge gear list

I have enjoyed following on twitter and on blogs the planning of walkers heading out in a couple of days to walk across Scotland on the TGO Challenge. It looks to be hard going but great fun and I am more than a little envious of those stepping out.

In mid-May I will be setting out in a different direction on My (Hebridean) Way, a Munro free beachcombing walk following the west coast of the Outer Hebrides from Vatersay to the Butt of Lewis.

Because I am feeling left out, and by way of thanks to those tweeters and bloggers who have entertained, educated and tempted me through the winter with their gear lists and expedition reports I humbly offer up my own rambling gear list. Continue reading

A short walk across the Alps

In the summer of 1982 I took my first flight to Greece.  I was sitting in a starboard window seat reading a new travel guide, the first edition of the first Rough Guide by Mark Ellingham, when the clouds below cleared.
We were high over a confusion of jagged sharp crystals. The  Alps were scattered below us and far into the distant haze. Continue reading